Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches that human beings must be directed by God who comprehends all things: and this is done through the gift of counsel, whereby man is directed as though counseled by God. This gift of grace was abundant in the life of Conchita Cabrera de Armida, known as Blessed CONCHITA. Born in Mexico in in 1862, Conchita’s childhood and adolescence were marked by the fervor, simplicity devotion characteristic of 19th Century Mexican culture. Growing up in a devout Catholic family, she received an elementary education and learned how to run a household. She wrote: From my tenderest childhood, I felt in my soul a strong inclination toward prayer, penance and, above all, purity. These deep spiritual longings remained with CONCHITA as she matured into adulthood, and the fulfillment of her vocation as a wife, mother, and grandmother was characterized by selfless love and serene docility to the promptings of God. At the age of twenty-two, she was married to her husband, Francisco Armida, and the following year she gave birth to the first of her nine children. She said: To be a wife and a mother was never a hindrance to my spiritual life. In fact, it was her deep relationship with God that allowed her to be a spiritual guide, not only to her own family but to the many people who came to her for counsel. Her youngest son spoke affectionately of her: There was a great equilibrium in her judgements Many people consulted her. Never was there ever any self-deceit; nothing was eccentric about her behavior. Her life was most ordinary… joyful, simple, balanced. AMEN.
Blessed Conchita , pray for us!